Will Corruption and Arrogance Undo Trump’s Environmental Team as It Did Reagan’s?
Pruitt and Zinke will follow the same ignominious ext as the environment team Pres. Reagan promised to keep.
Pruitt and Zinke will follow the same ignominious ext as the environment team Pres. Reagan promised to keep.
She inspired others to defeat seven proposed Hudson Valley nukes and ultimately bring down Indian Point.
As of this writing, Day Zero, — the day the water supply of Capetown, South Africa will run out — is set for May 11. The plight of this city of 4 million is a cautionary tale, littered with missed opportunities and unheeded warnings that every 21st century city and town should take to heart.
Students of the Pace University Environmental Policy Clinic conducted an investigation of the U.S. Coast Guard proposal to anchor oil barges on the Hudson. Six months later, the agency withdrew its proposal and began the proper studies the Clinic called for.
If President Trump’s decision to reverse his own agency, and continue the import ban on elephant trophies causes people to take a deeper look into the world of big game hunting for fun and profit, then maybe all the flip-flopping by the White House has actually done some good.
There is no comprehensive plan for repair and replacement of America’s water infrastructure — the more than one million miles of pipe that deliver the nation’s drinking water and 1.3 million miles of pipe that take away domestic wastes