Irene Dickinson: The Woman Who Shut Down the Indian Point Nukes
She inspired others to defeat seven proposed Hudson Valley nukes and ultimately bring down Indian Point.
She inspired others to defeat seven proposed Hudson Valley nukes and ultimately bring down Indian Point.
Excerpts from our email exchange with JeffHK about his astonishing video, “30 Days Timelapse at Sea,” which appeared here on September 24. We talked as well about his life at sea where, Jeff says, “The galaxy almost seems like CGI straight from a fictional sci-fi movie.”
Take just ten minutes on a good screen to view this exquisite video by sailor JeffHK. Of the attempts to portray graphically the magnitude of our oceans relative to the rest of the planet, Jeff surpasses most, journeying from the “Red Sea passing the Indian Ocean” “and then finally SouthEast China Sea arriving at Hong Kong.”