Bending Toward Justice
Reverend King’s creed stands and there is no reason to abandon it now: “Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
Reverend King’s creed stands and there is no reason to abandon it now: “Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
When Senator Gaylord Nelson founded Earth Day, he envisioned a movement devoted to the environment and the human, to eradicating pollution as well as poverty, to assuring nature’s rights as well as civil rights, to fostering sustainability as well as peace.
If “historic” and “landmark” are missing from your dictionary, it’s no wonder. They could use a break. Kudos are being heaped from quarters far and wide about the outcomes of COP21. But there are also sobering times ahead, by some reporters’ accounts.
Security at COP21 in Paris was robust and ever present, due in large part to fear of a repeat of the terrorist attacks on November 13 in Paris and St. Denis. But some protesting the lukewarm climate talks believe that security was also aimed at quelling dissent.
Some of the greenest political cartoonists have cast a skeptical eye toward the annual United Nations global climate conferences. Their common theme, the powerful neglect the less so, is a wake-up call to the COP 21 conference attendees — both governments and NGOs.