Irene Dickinson: The Woman Who Shut Down the Indian Point Nukes
She inspired others to defeat seven proposed Hudson Valley nukes and ultimately bring down Indian Point.
She inspired others to defeat seven proposed Hudson Valley nukes and ultimately bring down Indian Point.
Students of the Pace University Environmental Policy Clinic conducted an investigation of the U.S. Coast Guard proposal to anchor oil barges on the Hudson. Six months later, the agency withdrew its proposal and began the proper studies the Clinic called for.
Maurice Hinchey changed forever the environmental stakes in New York State. He pursued corporations, organized crime and the United States Army with equal and unprecedented vigor, and was a tireless legislative advocate for the Hudson River.
Attempts to suppress environmentalism are as old as environmentalism itself. Industrial polluters have gone to great lengths to stifle advocacy, but their expansion of censorship laws has finally crossed a line for some federal judges. Reporting by Brian Palmer of NRDC’s onEarth.
Scientific journals and literature are full of insights on what does and doesn’t work in conservation. Why then is evidence-based conservation so difficult to achieve? Pace Professor Anne Toomey and colleagues argue for non-liner knowledge exchange that flows in two directions.