EarthDesk Sunday: Constitution Marsh Audubon Center, High Tide
A video view toward Storm King Mountain on an unusually high tide from the boardwalk at Constitution Marsh Audubon Center, where Pace students make an annual field trip each September. Partnerships are keystones of our environmental programming at Pace.
EarthDesk Radio: EPA’s Pruitt Orders $25,000 TARDIS to Travel to “Happier, Dirtier Times”
The Washington Post reports that EPA Administrator Pruitt ordered a $25,000 secure communications booth. Dr. Who fans will recognize the scheme right away. EarthDesk Radio appears monthly at Mid-Hudson News.
Follow-Up Q&A With JeffHK About His Video “30 Days Timelapse at Sea”
Excerpts from our email exchange with JeffHK about his astonishing video, “30 Days Timelapse at Sea,” which appeared here on September 24. We talked as well about his life at sea where, Jeff says, “The galaxy almost seems like CGI straight from a fictional sci-fi movie.”
EarthDesk Sunday: “30 Days Timelapse at Sea” by JeffHK
Take just ten minutes on a good screen to view this exquisite video by sailor JeffHK. Of the attempts to portray graphically the magnitude of our oceans relative to the rest of the planet, Jeff surpasses most, journeying from the “Red Sea passing the Indian Ocean” “and then finally SouthEast China Sea arriving at Hong Kong.”
U.S. vs. N.Y: Feds Overturn State’s Veto of Hudson Valley’s Millennium Pipeline
“This was a two-footed, full jumping stomp on state’s rights. States that want to protect their citizens and preserve their environment should be very worried.” ~ Professor Karl R. Rábago, Executive Director, Pace Energy and Climate Center, Elisabeth Haub School of Law, Pace University.
EarthDesk Sunday: The Pace Green Frog Banjo Chorale; Photo by Angelo Spillo
The guttural song of amphibian banjos is a familiar sound to anyone who has walked the Dyson College Nature Center trail of a warm September evening. Continue on to learn more about the green frog, including a sound file of Georgia green frogs performing a cover version of the Pace green frog banjo chorale.
More Valuable Than Gold: The War for Rhino Horn Takes an Uglier Turn
From inside the brutal world of rhinoceros poaching, Bethany A. Ordonez, Pace Master in Environmental Science candidate, tells the gut wrenching story of the Fundimvelo Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage in South Africa, and the horrific attack that has taken a terrible and lasting toll on rhino and human alike.
Number of the Month: 1500 Dams
Pace student Rowan Lanning proposes a Deadbeat Dam Act to rid New York waters of nonfunctional dams that ruin aquatic ecostsystems. More than 1500 dams block Hudson River tributaries. The transformation of the Wynants Kill in Troy New York is evidence she is onto something. Video follows.
EarthDesk Sunday: Hummingbird Clearwing by Michelle D. Land
You have to be quick to capture a photo of a feeding Hummingbird Clearwing, as Professor Michelle D. Land learned when she grabbed this fleeting image for Pace Takes New York. BTW, the Hummingbird Clearwing is in fact a moth.
The Jungle Amidst the Concrete
New York City is called a “concrete jungle” for good reason. Thanks to our Nature in the City class, I now know the true ecological diversity to be found away from the blaring car horns and smelly sidewalk garbage.
EarthDesk Radio: Humpback Whales
Does the return of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) to the New York region mean our waters are improving? Find out in our monthly “Your Environment” podcast, in partnership with Mid-Hudson News.
Coast Guard Suspension of Hudson River Anchorages Is Not Enough
The Coast Guard’s surprise decision to suspend its Hudson River anchorage proposal in order to conduct a required navigation study came seven months after the Pace Environmental Policy Clinic called on the Coast Guard to do just that. But it’s not enough. An agency rule skirts the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act. Pace students Rowan Lanning and Christina Thomas have the solution.