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Environmental Policy Clinic Students at Work.

Dr. E. Melanie Dupuis
Inspired by new scientific studies of the human body as a metabiome, Dr. E. Melanie Dupuis, Professor and chair, Department of Environmental Science and Studies, reimagines the American body politic through a new metaphor — digestion — opening social transformations to ideas of mixing, fermentation, and collaboration. In doing so, she explores how social activists can rethink politics as inclusive processes that involve the inherently risky mixing of cultures, standpoints, and ideas. Dangerous Digestion at Amazon.
“Marshlands, wetlands, mouths of tributaries, and shallow waters in the Hudson (and elsewhere in the state) should be declared inviolate. Theses are among the most productive areas of the river, and using them as garbage dumps, or as fill areas for highways, airports, factories, housing developments, and the like is insane.”
– Robert H. Boyle. The Hudson River A Natural and Unnatural History, 1969, pp. 272-273.
Please visit my website to download free GIS files of NYS rivers viewable on Google Earth.