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Keystone Jobs by Pat Bagley

Keystone Jobs by Pat Bagley

«« »» Patrick “Pat” Bagley is an American editorial cartoonist and journalist for The Salt Lake Tribune in Salt Lake City, Utah. His cartoons have appeared in The Washington Post, The Guardian of London, The Times of London, The Wall Street Journal,...
California Drought by xkcd

California Drought by xkcd

«« »» xkcd is the webcomic creation of Randall Munroe, an extraordinarily popular web presence whom we feature regularly on EarthDesk. He draws on science themes often and has been nominated for a Hugo Award twice, thanks to his loyal science fiction fan base. He...
War On Science by Adam Zyglis

War On Science by Adam Zyglis

«« »» Adam Zyglis is the staff editorial cartoonist for The Buffalo News, his hometown daily newspaper. He accepted the position fresh out of college, after winning 3 national awards as a college cartoonist. In 2004, he graduated summa cum laude from Canisius College...
Carl Sagan, Nov. 9, 1934 – Dec. 20, 1996

Carl Sagan, Nov. 9, 1934 – Dec. 20, 1996

Today, November 9, 2014, Carl Sagan would have turned 80, no longer a surprising age. Instead, he died at a relatively young 62, a victim of myelodysplasia. An accomplished astronomer, science popularizer, and Pulitzer Prize winner, he was, and is, a hero of mine. On...