The Green Patriarch: A Voice for the Environment and Humanity
From his early days in office, the Ecumenical Patriarch has made care for the environment one of his top priorities. His strategy has been “connecting people who have the power to save the environment with people who have the knowledge.”

Earth’s Land Mammals by Weight — by xkcd
Note: This is such a brilliant piece, we are breaking with tradition and posting this xkcd comic today rather than wait until EarthDesk Sunday. — John Cronin «« »» xkcd is the webcomic creation of Randall Munroe, an extraordinarily popular web presence whom we...
The Human and the Environment: Bridging the Gap with Education and Service
Editor’s Note: A recurring theme here at EarthDesk, especially during this holiday season, is our duty to the other members of our specie. Caroline Craig offers her unique perspective — as a former environmental studies student, as research assistant for...