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Idaho Ag-Gag Law Declared Unconstitutional

Idaho Ag-Gag Law Declared Unconstitutional

Nadya Hall, Pace '15, is a psychology major and animal advocate who led the Wildlife Team of the Pace Environmental Policy Clinic. This post also appears on her blog, which you can follow here. «« »» ON TUESDAY, Federal District Court Judge B. Lynn Winmill struck...

Can James Eyring Hypnotize Birds?

Can James Eyring Hypnotize Birds?

IF YOU WATCH Pace University's James Eyring in action you will swear he casts a spell over the falcons, hawks, owls and kestrel that are his wards. But he will be the first to tell you his seemingly mystical powers are based on one simple principle: food. Trainer and...

Indian Economic Slavery an Obstacle to Environmental Reform

Indian Economic Slavery an Obstacle to Environmental Reform

Ed. Note: Kiefer Kofman, Pace '16, is a political science major and the former head of the Community Energy Team at the Pace Environmental Policy Clinic. He is studying in India under a Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship. His first post, Into the World of...

Pope Francis Climate Encyclical by David Fitzsimmons

Pope Francis Climate Encyclical by David Fitzsimmons

«« »» David Fitzsimmons is a cartoonist, humor columnist and blogger for the Arizona Daily Star, Fitz is syndicated to more than 700 news publications. A Pulitzer finalist in 1988, his award-winning cartoons have drawn both fire and praise. Fitzsimmons also entertains...

Animal Activist Amber Canavan Imprisoned

Animal Activist Amber Canavan Imprisoned

DISTRICT ATTORNEY JAMES R. FARRELL of Sullivan County, NY was determined to see Amber Canavan in jail. On Tuesday his wish came true when the 29 year-old began a 30-day jail term for trespassing on the property of Hudson Valley Foie Gras. But the real crime behind...

“Equal Dignity in the Eyes of the Law”

“Equal Dignity in the Eyes of the Law”

"In a long-sought victory for the gay rights movement, the Supreme Court ruled by a 5-to-4 vote on Friday that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage." ~ The New York Times,  April 26, 2015 "There are times we must pause our more typical...

Into the World of India

Into the World of India

Ed. Note: Kiefer Kofman, Pace '16, is a political science major studying in India under a Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship. Kiefer led the community energy team in the Pace Environmental Policy Clinic during the spring 2015 semester. Ben Gilman, a loved...

Charleston, South Carolina Church Shooting by Dave Granlund

Charleston, South Carolina Church Shooting by Dave Granlund

After all these years, it is still the case that we fight “strangeness” – the fear of anything different — to protect “our own.” But the larger ideal of respect and decency for all must be the backbone of any movement, the environmental movement included.  ~ Pete...

NYS Brownfield Programs Strengthen Communities

NYS Brownfield Programs Strengthen Communities

Ed. Note: J. Justin Woods is a third-year Pace Law student and scholar at the Pace Land Use Law Center. More on Justin at the conclusion.  ~ JC Globalization has deindustrialized many areas of the state, leaving behind a legacy of environmental contamination,...

Images from the Santa Barbara Oil Spill

Images from the Santa Barbara Oil Spill

The 105,000 gallon spill of crude petroleum on May 19th that closed miles of California beaches in time for Memorial Day weekend was caused by a ruptured pipeline owned by Plains All American Pipeline, a known, repeat offender. Tuesday's spill in the Santa Barbara...