EarthDesk Radio: The Elephant Protection Act
The Elephant Protection Act, conceived and lobbied by the students of the Pace Environmental Policy Clinic and now awaiting the signature of Governor Andrew Cuomo, would make the New York State the first in the nation to ban elephants in entertainment. More in our monthly podcast produced in cooperation with Mid-Hudson News.
EarthDesk Radio: Washington and Clean Water
The integrity of the Clean Water Act is of vital national importance — not because we have come so far, but because we still have so far to go. More in our monthly podcast produced in partnership with Mid-Hudson News.
EarthDesk Radio: Robert H. Boyle, 1928 – 2017
The late Bob Boyle, pioneer in the Hudson River environmental movement, expert journalist, founder of Riverkeeper, inspiration for more than 300 Waterkeepers worldwide, and my longtime mentor, is the subject of this month’s EarthDesk podcast, produced in partnership with Mid-Hudson News.
The Multifunctionality of Green Infrastructure
To prevent the discharge of untreated sewage during storm events, municipalities face enormous costs to repair and upgrade water systems. Investments in green stormwater infrastructure offer the promise of meeting regulatory requirements for clean water while enhancing urban sustainability and resilience.
Bending Toward Justice
Reverend King’s creed stands and there is no reason to abandon it now: “Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
An Open Letter from 800+ Scientists to President-Elect Donald Trump on Climate Change
“The science is unequivocal and America must respond.”
Oil Barges on the Hudson: Pace Environmental Policy Clinic Says Coast Guard Violated Procedures and Favored Shipping Industry
“How amazing is it that it took students from Pace University to shame and embarrass and expose the federal government on a situation like this?” ~ Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino
We Are Not All Environmentalists, Nor Must We Be. A Post-Election Reflection
In the difficult years ahead, environmental organizations should address the social inequities challenging millions of Americans — a founding principle of American environmentalism.
Quiet, Peaceful, Serene: Assessing the Trails of Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Can park access be increased while still protecting resources? Time for a deeper look into the sometimes-conflicting values of human benefits, public access, and resource protection.
Benefits From Nature Are Not a Private Thing
For any given property, there are more stakeholders than just the landowner. The latter should not be allowed to deny the former the right to nature’s benefits.
The Bayer, Monsanto Merger: Shocking Consolidation or Fantastic Combination?
Faced with the proposed mergers of agribusiness giants, regulators must decide whether an even smaller number of companies will have an even more powerful hold on the future of food and agriculture.
Marijuana: When the Green Leaf Isn’t So Green…
Would users still indulge if they knew illegal marijuana production contributes to the death of forest-dwelling animals?