We are proud to add photojournalist Peter Essick of Stone Mountain, Georgia to our list of EarthDesk Sunday contributors. His evocative Climate Change essay, presented here, invites us to consider the issue in its larger topical and geographical dimensions. His book, Our Beautiful, Fragile World, is an extraordinary collection that “showcases a diverse series of photographs from some of the most beautiful natural areas in the world and documents major contemporary environmental issues.” Click on the image below for the EarthDesk Flickr slideshow of Peter’s climate essay. As he does in his book, David provides explanatory text — just place the cursor on an image, “Show info” appears, along with slideshow controls. More on Peter below. All images Copyright Peter Essick.
Coal-fired power plant in Conesville, Ohio. ©Peter Essick
Click on image for EarthDesk Flickr slideshow.
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Peter Essick is the author of Our Beautiful, Fragile World, a career-spanning look at the images he took while on assignment for National Geographic magazine.
Recently named by Outdoor Photography magazine as one of the 40 most influential nature photographers, Peter has traveled extensively over the last two decades, photographing around the world. He is a working photojournalist, but his photographs move beyond mere documentation; they reveal the spiritual and emotional aspects of nature and the impact of development on the landscape.
Essick has been a frequent contributor to National Geographic magazine for 25 years, where he has produced 40 feature articles on an array of topics. Some of his favorite and most rewarding stories have been on Inner Japan, the National Wilderness Preservation System, the carbon cycle, global warming, and global freshwater. Recent stories include a June, 2010 cover piece on Greenland and a story on the Ansel Adams Wilderness in the October 2011 issue.
Essick has a bachelor’s degree in business from the University of Southern California and a master’s degree in photojournalism from the University of Missouri. He is represented by the Lumiere gallery in Atlanta and by Aurora Photos. He lives in Stone Mountain, Georgia with his wife, Jackie and son, Jalen.
Visit Peter Essick’s website here.